Jingle Bells, Tingle Tells

I LOVE Christmas! Even though Christmas was a few months ago, Eli and me still sing Jingle Bells ALL the time, and I sing it funny sometimes too. We like to read our Night Before Christmas book a lot still. šŸ™‚

I learned alot about why we have Christmas- because Jesus was born! My favorite part of the Christmas story is the 3 wise men coming to visit Baby Jesus because a star showed them where to go. That is so really cool. God is SO big, even bigger than the stars and the sky!

We had so much fun on Christmas morning! I am so happy Marmee and Doge and Uncle Matt were here. We had a lot of presents to open, and we started some family “traditions” this year! We had to GIVE our presents, so I put all the presents FROM me in my pile, and handed them out to everyone, and so did everyone else, so we learn to be more excited about what we give, than how many presents we get. We also made a birthday cake for Jesus and sang happy birthday to Him and blew out his candles (I really liked that part!).

Here are some pictures from Christmas 2009!

Then we got to go make a Snow Dinosaur and that night Eli and I sang Jingle Bells and Away in a Manger to our family (I learned that at school, and got to sing on stage for that too, and meet Santa!)

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